Friday, September 05, 2008

First came BC... Then AD... Now CE??

Anybody notice the new politically correct version of years? Yep that's right say "Good bye" to BC. (I hope someone told Johnny Hart)

By the way Johnny Hart's Grandson is now drawing the comic strip...pretty cool that they kept it in the family. (Go check out the latest from B.C. at
Back to the main subject, political correctness gone amuck. To see all the details about why we no longer live in the "the year of our Lord", but instead we live in the "Common Era". So CE = AD, and BCE = BC. Now of course there is this un-named event that separates BCE from CE...that event just happens to be, you guessed the the birth of Jesus Christ. Follow this link at for more details.

Have you ever heard the term the "lowest common denominator"? Unfortunately society, or at least the elitist in charge, have decided to change our society so that we all live by our lowest common denominator. Which means they want a vanilla society, no differences in flavor, because someone who likes chocolate might be offended that I like strawberry...Their solution, outlaw all flavors except vanilla...and don't even try to make french vanilla or natural bean vanilla. For a deeper read on this method of changing society go read America's Meltdown: The Lowest-Common-Denominator Society

Personally I know the real reason for getting rid of BC and AD. Here is the is purely an attack on God. Some people (a small but persistent minority of people) want to remove Jesus from the world. So they rename his birthday celebration, they remove the right of people to talk to him, they water down and change the record of his words, and now they try to remove his birth from being the central demarker of time. We must be just as persistent in speaking truth, and loving those same people. AlphaGrey signing off on this beautiful September day in 2008 AD.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Survival, I think...

Well, I am back. Or at least I am more active now.

I just went through and continue to go through a job upheaval. Two lousy bad quarters and the bosses decide we have too many people on payroll. It can be un-hinging. I, we, all of us I suppose invest time, thought, and energy into our jobs. We invite co-workers over to barbecues, we miss family picnics so that we can meet our customer's needs, we argue with our very pregnant wife when our 2nd child comes two weeks early and we aren't finished with our projects at work. (True story, I will never live it down, my work project is running late, and her baby project is coming in early) I love you Honey :-))

And so we invest in our jobs and in the people that we work with, as we should. And then a time like this arrives where our friends at work don't get to be with us any longer. It is sad. I have been on both sides of this continental job divide. I listened to a "Boss" at an all-hands meeting today, he said it sucked for him too. I believe him.

It reminds me of a time when I was a youth, and all Car Dealers were closed on Sundays. Everyone knew that if you wanted to buy a car, better git'r'done between Monday and Saturday. People didn't complain much and the Car Dealer employees liked having Sunday off. Then one local dealer opened up shop on Sunday, and within a month all local Car Dealers were open on Sunday. They didn't sell any more cars than they did the month before, but there was no going back. No Car Dealer worth their tires was going to close up shop on a Sunday if a competitor was going to be open. I think this "Down-sizing", "Right-sizing", "Lay-offs", "Resource-Actions", "Out-sourcing" thing is the same way. We started and now we can't stop because we fear that our competitors will keep on doing it and we will look bad to the investors or we will miss out on a load of money.

No one is dancing in the streets about losing a job or about being able to buy a Ford Focus on a Sunday. Sundays were made for drives through the country.(And drives to church of course;-) So let Honda, Ford, Toyota, and Chevy close their doors on Sundays, and let's give people a renewed feeling of corporate loyalty, and career stability.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

'On The Fence' over Terri Schiavo

I will admit that I have been on the fence more than once on the issue of Terri Schiavo over the years, but the more I learn about her situation and the more I pray about guidance the more I am sure that life is important to God. And I should stand up for life. Terri is not on life support, there is no ventilator forcing air in her lungs, there is no machine feeding here, her brain works, she can even eat from a baby bottle, but her husband refuses any and all care for her. For 7 years he said nothing about his wife's supposed wishes. But I have come to the decision that it is not her wishes or his that matter on this decision. Suicide and Murder are wrong and evil in the eyes of the Lord, even if the state of Oregon says it is good. I had a discussion with Jessica yesterday in regard to a book that we were reading, and she knew a relevant verse from the bible...Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Actually I think there is even more wisdom from God's word in the verses that follow verse 20 ->

The argument that I have heard is that Terri's husband is valiant because he is fighting to uphold her wishes. Really? Then why does he live with another woman and has had two kids out of wedlock with this other woman? What of his marriage vows to Terri?? I have concluded that his choice to kill his wife and to fight to kill his wife will never make sense to me, evil does not make sense to me. The Pope was right when he raised his voice against the contemporary evil in our "culture of death". In any regard if you read my whole ramble thank you, you may find some solace from the poem below that we are not alone in our fight.

The eyes of the world watched,
As one more judge ruled for death over life

The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died

Who is this one who cannot speak?
She is a vegetable, of no use in this world of power and utility

The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died

Forget the smile; it has no productive value, disregard the mothers'
plea, misguided sentiment

The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died

The one on the bench, the blind guide leading the blind, has the
power now in this brave new world unanchored from truth; his word
is the sword

The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died

All this talk of religion and solidarity be damned,
let the one who cast the bride aside decide

The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died

The triumph of the Will ascends, the meek and the weak shudder,
the reign of lawlessness begins

The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died

+ + + + + + + + +
"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work..."
St Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians
+ + + + + + + + +

Thursday, February 17, 2005

And God said, "Let there be light"

Welcome to my first blog entry.

Let's dive right in, last night as I was driving to my PK meeting I began thinking about our country. Then on the radio I heard an ad for Brian Williams (of NBC Nightly News) where he said, "It doesn't get any more " important " than here", basically saying that he has the most important job in the world. Can you believe the nerve of Mr. Williams. He thinks that his job...a guy who reads a script 5 times a week in front of a camera is the most important job in the world...I think the people with jobs out there making the news are so much more important. Talk about your elitist attitude.

Mr. Williams then goes on to say that he doesn't tell the news, instead he tells "the story of our lives". I don't know about you, but don't you want the facts, the news, and who it affects? I don't want a "story", because a story has a point. Some news doesn't have a point, it just sadly happens because a lunatic, or drug addict wanted something that they didn't deserve. No, no Mr. Williams I want the news, I don't want you to spin a yarn for me.