'On The Fence' over Terri Schiavo
I will admit that I have been on the fence more than once on the issue of Terri Schiavo over the years, but the more I learn about her situation and the more I pray about guidance the more I am sure that life is important to God. And I should stand up for life. Terri is not on life support, there is no ventilator forcing air in her lungs, there is no machine feeding here, her brain works, she can even eat from a baby bottle, but her husband refuses any and all care for her. For 7 years he said nothing about his wife's supposed wishes. But I have come to the decision that it is not her wishes or his that matter on this decision. Suicide and Murder are wrong and evil in the eyes of the Lord, even if the state of Oregon says it is good. I had a discussion with Jessica yesterday in regard to a book that we were reading, and she knew a relevant verse from the bible...Isaiah 5:20 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." Actually I think there is even more wisdom from God's word in the verses that follow verse 20 -> http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=29&chapter=5&version=31
The argument that I have heard is that Terri's husband is valiant because he is fighting to uphold her wishes. Really? Then why does he live with another woman and has had two kids out of wedlock with this other woman? What of his marriage vows to Terri?? I have concluded that his choice to kill his wife and to fight to kill his wife will never make sense to me, evil does not make sense to me. The Pope was right when he raised his voice against the contemporary evil in our "culture of death". In any regard if you read my whole ramble thank you, you may find some solace from the poem below that we are not alone in our fight.
The eyes of the world watched,
As one more judge ruled for death over life
The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died
Who is this one who cannot speak?
She is a vegetable, of no use in this world of power and utility
The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died
Forget the smile; it has no productive value, disregard the mothers'
plea, misguided sentiment
The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died
The one on the bench, the blind guide leading the blind, has the
power now in this brave new world unanchored from truth; his word
is the sword
The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died
All this talk of religion and solidarity be damned,
let the one who cast the bride aside decide
The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died
The triumph of the Will ascends, the meek and the weak shudder,
the reign of lawlessness begins
The Rule of Law they cried...while Terri Died
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"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work..."
St Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians
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