First came BC... Then AD... Now CE??
Anybody notice the new politically correct version of years? Yep that's right say "Good bye" to BC. (I hope someone told Johnny Hart)

Have you ever heard the term the "lowest common denominator"? Unfortunately society, or at least the elitist in charge, have decided to change our society so that we all live by our lowest common denominator. Which means they want a vanilla society, no differences in flavor, because someone who likes chocolate might be offended that I like strawberry...Their solution, outlaw all flavors except vanilla...and don't even try to make french vanilla or natural bean vanilla. For a deeper read on this method of changing society go read America's Meltdown: The Lowest-Common-Denominator Society

Personally I know the real reason for getting rid of BC and AD. Here is the is purely an attack on God. Some people (a small but persistent minority of people) want to remove Jesus from the world. So they rename his birthday celebration, they remove the right of people to talk to him, they water down and change the record of his words, and now they try to remove his birth from being the central demarker of time. We must be just as persistent in speaking truth, and loving those same people. AlphaGrey signing off on this beautiful September day in 2008 AD.
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