

About Me
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Movie Reviews
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Here is a good place to describe a list of your hobbies, projects or interests.

  • God - I love God and everything about Him, and I try to be more like Jesus everyday! Below is one of my favorite Bible related Web sites:
  • Volkswagen Beetles - I love the little bugs, especially the old ones! Below is one of my favorite car related Web sites:
  • Travel - I've been doing a bit of travel lately. Below is a collection of pictures from my trips.
  • Software Engineering
    • Infinite Monkey Theorem - this is a very interesting mathematical theorem that applies to probability statistics.  It intrigued me early in college and helped steer me toward the field of Computer Science.
  • Consulting as a practice
    • I am currently a managing consultant, so I have an interest in knowing and improving the practice.
  • Basketball - I love playing basketball. OK, I love winning at basketball.
  • XBOX - The best gaming system on the planet.
  • Wii - The new best gaming system on the planet

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This site was last updated 02/17/11